At Essendon Keilor College we believe that coming to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education. An absence from school may fall under the following categories:
Medical appointments: We ask that where possible medical appointments are made for before or after school or during the school holidays. A medical certificate should be provided directly to the General Office of any absences for a medical reason.
Family holidays: It is preferable that holiday arrangements are made during school holidays and not during term time. Communication between home and school is vital in ensuring a program can be constructed to ensure students do not fall behind in their studies.
Cultural absences: when culturally significant celebrations are taking place it is important to inform the school and minimise days absent from school.
When an absence needs to be recorded, parents can do so via:
Recording the absence on the Compass App
Contacting the General Office for the campus your child attends
Where the campus General Office has not been notified of an absence, an SMS alert will be sent to families alerting you to the need to inform the school.
Our attendance policy can be found on our websites and stipulates that students should:
Attend and be punctual for all scheduled classes (90% attendance per semester is the minimum requirement).
In the case of illness, students are to provide a medical certificate to the General Office
Inform the Classroom Teacher/Year Level Coordinator of any upcoming absence prior to the date of an approved school activity.
Students should catch up on missed work in a timely manner, seeking support from teachers as required.
Students should notify their Year Level Coordinator about serious family issues.
Sign in at the office and provide a parent/carer explanation if late to school.